
Did Lennon understand Tomorrow Never Knows?

John Lennon  first discovered  The T ibetan Book of the Dead  in  the Indica Bookshop, hang out for London's grooviest tambourine shakers in the mid-60s.  John began to scan the shelves. His eyes soon alighted upon a copy of The Psychedelic Experience, Dr Timothy Leary's psychedelic version of the Tibetan Book of the Dead.  John was delighted and settled down on the settee with the book. Right away, on page 14 in Leary's introduction, he read, 'Whenever in doubt, turn off your mind, relax, float downstream.' He had found the first line of 'Tomorrow Never Knows' .   Many Years From Now  Barry Miles Did Lennon understand what he was singing? Though intellectually curious, Lennon always cheerfully conceded that his research tended to be haphazard.  In  Anthology , George Harrison dismisses Lennon's knowledge of Indian mysticism:  I am not too sure if John actually fully understood what he was saying. He knew he was onto something ...

Where did the title Tomorrow Never Knows come from?


Did the Beatles ever live together?

In the film Help  The Beatles living together in the ultimate bachelor pad. Four doors lead into a miraculous shared space, with all mod cons. No boring housework to worry about. 

Why Lennon and McCartney lyrics changed?

I am like a chameleon, influenced by whatever is going on. If Elvis can do it, I can do it. If the Everly Brothers can do it, me and Paul can. Same with Dylan. John Lennon I could feel myself climbing a spiral walkway as I was talking to Dylan. I felt like I was figuring it all out, the meaning of life.”  Paul McCartney In their early lyrics, Lennon and McCartney broadly stuck to the Tin Pan Alley lyrical format: essentially I love you/please love me too .  This allowed for some quirky takes: Paul's When I'm Sixty Four, for example, took a very unusual perspective for a teenage songwriter. But at some level the words usually circled back to the trials and tribulations of romantic love: I Want to Hold Your Hand, From Me to You etc. Along Came Bob Two factors disrupted this approach. One was practical - there are only so many ways to say 'I love You' and The Beatles success demanded the rapid production of new material. The other was their desire to keep ahead of their...

Is Yesterday about Paul's mother?

Paul & Mary McCartney Paul McCartney has recently suggested a ‘subconscious’ inspiration for the line I said something wrong/Now I long for yesterday  was his regret at once chiding his mother for ‘talking posh’:

Cover Versions The Beatles recorded?


What is the most recorded song of all time?

57 Wimpole Street where Paul lived with the Asher family

How many singles have The Beatles sold?

Worldwide sales of physical singles are difficult estimate accurately but we can say the following.

Who was the best man John and Yoko's wedding?

In 1962 Brian Epstein was the best man hastily arranged wedding of John Lennon and Cynthia Powell in Liverpool. 

Abbey Road Photo FAQ: Clues?

The 'Paul is Dead' rumour began in early 1967. The Abbey Road cover photo provided new 'clues.'