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How many singles have The Beatles sold?

Worldwide sales of physical singles are difficult estimate accurately but we can say the following.

Who was the best man John and Yoko's wedding?

In 1962 Brian Epstein was the best man hastily arranged wedding of John Lennon and Cynthia Powell in Liverpool. 

Abbey Road Photo FAQ: Clues?

The 'Paul is Dead' rumour began in early 1967. The Abbey Road cover photo provided new 'clues.' 

Why did The Beatles cross the road?

  The most famous photo in the history of pop music was what artists call a 'happy accident'. 

Why did Paul McCartney play bass?

"Nobody wanted to play bass in those days."

How did David Bowie and John Lennon become friends?

  We were first introduced in about 1974 by Elizabeth Taylor. 

Why did John & Yoko get married in Gibraltar?

Wedding photo

Run for Your Life

  "one of the Beatles most dispensable items". [8] Run for Your Life’ I always hated ... John Lennon Lennon Remembers (1971

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